The images indicate the new car may as well be presented in Gandhi's homeland. Its production is already confirmed to take place at the VW Talegaon plant, but India will not be the only country that will produce the new vehicle. China, Russia and Brazil may also see the car produced in their VW plants.
Getting back to the pictures Motoroids has managed to snap, one can initially think this car is a new Mondeo, or a Ford Focus Sedan, if the rear lights and the blue oval badge on the back were to be taken into consideration. But the fact is these are only fake accessories added to hide the car's true identity. With a very small success rate, let's say.

Pay attention to the tail lights. The upper part is made of red tape, only to make them seem like Focus Sedan rear lights. The real thing is much smaller, and the internal lines of these pieces show the same angles the tail lights of the Polo V bear. In the picture below, Motoroids has managed to spot the round space reserved for the VW logo, just under the fake blue oval badge.

Motoroids guys have also made this comparative image below, which confirm the real identity of the new car. It can be stated through the rear mirrors, the radio antenna and the sidelines of the car. In other words, Motoroids managed to get a world exclusive. Hats off for them!

Source: Motoroids